We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend- sunshine, warm weather, and 60 kids shrieking. Could you ask for anything more?
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If you follow my Facebook page, you probably saw a preview of this... but my darling husband and a super volunteer braved the cold water to get docks put in this weekend.
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Bright Iowa sunsets over freshly planted fields
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I don't know that I'll ever get sick of being called his "Mrs." It makes me happy every time.
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In case you missed it, here's what hit the interwebs this week at A Home Called Shalom!
Why Camp?

I don't know that I'll ever get sick of being called his "Mrs." It makes me happy every time.
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In case you missed it, here's what hit the interwebs this week at A Home Called Shalom!
Why Camp?
I think that Camp is great. And I think that your kid (or your family, or just you!) should go to Camp. It's kind of the best.
Longest title ever? Perhaps. But there's been a theme, I think, this Mother's Day. A theme that we need to be overly sensitive and cautious to celebrate this special holiday because there are women out there who can't have kids, can't be moms, or who are dealing with some pretty big obstacles. As one of those women, I say no.
Because Mother's Day isn't about celebrating me. Or you. If you're a mom (and if you're not a mom), Mother's Day is the same. It's a day to celebrate your mother.
And- I just found out today that a post of mine was featured on a Christian bloggers link up! So excited!
Here's my fancy featured post:
Super honored, and very excited.
Having an ordinary week? Give thanks for the little things you've been blessed with. When we're grateful, the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Have an extraordinary weekend!
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