Just seven little things about our week!
... .1. ...
We've been getting to the little public library in town about once a week or so lately, and this week was no exception.

We did have some trouble at the library this week. Evert is usually the only kid there. (Like I said, it's little!) Typically, he has all the toys to himself. Well. This past week, another little boy showed up to play... and jeepers. The wailing. The gnashing of teeth. Apparently Evert believes every single toy in the children's section was placed there especially for him, and any other child touching- nay, looking at - the toys was just simply unacceptable. He usually does pretty well sharing toys, so this was kind of out the blue and really surprised me. I mean, it was almost nap time, and he was hungry, so I'm sure neither of those factors helped, but yikes. I guess he's really two now!
... .2. ...

This week, Koben got to try out his bouncer for the first time! He really likes standing (supported, of course) so this was a big hit.
Of course, big brother had to show him the ropes.

And then we had a bout of big brother jealousy and Evert demanded a turn in the bouncer, too....

... .3. ...
Trevor's folks have apple trees, and lots and lots of apples. We were running out of kitchen space for them (not surprising- tiny kitchen), so it was apple crisp day on Wednesday! Thankfully, the rain kept Trevor home for the morning. He had plans to clean his garage. The total lack of planning on my part ensured that didn't happen. Ha!

I ran out of sugar halfway through, which meant he got to make a surprise trip to town. The boys helped with the apples, and I planned on doing the topping when they were napping... but of course, they alternated naps so Koben was awake the entire time Evert slept, and Evert's nap was super short. So.

We got it done, though! Nothing else got done, but the apple crisps are done!
... .4. ...

I'm getting geared up for my local babywearing group's celebration of International Babywearing Week! I'm one of the facilitators, so I'm kind of leading the event, and I'm a little nervous. I just really hope it goes well.
We're doing a short walk together next week as part of the celebration, so I'm practicing tandem wearing both boys at the same time. It's... heavy. Haha. But it's also really fun, and it's been fun trying it out.
A sidenote : it's supposed to SNOW next Saturday (when we've got this walk scheduled). Yikes. Join me in praying that mess away?? I'm hoping for sunshine!!
... .5. ...

A fun bonus of having a husband who works at a Bible Camp?
Occasionally he brings home a slide raft to fix up and put in storage.
Evert was more than a little disappointed that he wasn't allowed to go down the "swide." Given that, because of the height of the raft itself plus the trailer it's on, the end of the slide is more than five feet off the ground... I stand by that decision.
Occasionally he brings home a slide raft to fix up and put in storage.
Evert was more than a little disappointed that he wasn't allowed to go down the "swide." Given that, because of the height of the raft itself plus the trailer it's on, the end of the slide is more than five feet off the ground... I stand by that decision.
... .6. ...

I'm finally starting to come out of some of the survival mode postpartum fog and I'm starting to get my poor neglected house back into order a bit. This cabinet is always covered in junk and I finally got around to clearing it off and making it look a bit nicer.
Trevor remembered that I'd mentioned that I wanted some house plants and he saw someone giving this one away and picked it up for me. I have no idea what it is (any help there?) and I'm pretty sure it needs to be re- potted? Maybe? Someone with a green thumb help me out here. Quick, before I kill it. I am really really good at killing plants.
... .7. ...
I hung some noisy toys (a bell and a rattle) from our Pikler triangle. Koben is really enjoying batting at them.

Evert is enjoying laying next to Koben and playing with his toy pay loader while Koben bats at them.

And that's a wrap! Have a great weekend!
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My how time has flown! Your boys are awesome and so are their parents. It's so good to see good parenting these days. Thank you for sharing your time with us!