Grateful For: A warm fireplace and a gas stove. This past weekend, we woke up to this...

and the power was out from about 8 am until about noon. No electricity meant no heat except for the fireplace, so we all hunkered down and bundled up in the living room, and I dug out my french press from college so we had coffee. All bases covered.
Also grateful for a wonderful sister celebrating her TWENTY FIFTH birthday this week!
Amused By: Little E thinks his dad's toes are hilarious.

Surprised About: the weather.

Is it Spring, yet??? After a blizzard on Saturday, we had this going on Wednesday. I'm going just a little stir crazy and I'm super ready for some nice weather.
Working On: Keeping the house running (so, laundry, dishes, making supper, more laundry).
And then for my fun project-- I bought, washed, and scoured the fabric for my sister-in-law's woven wrap (yay!!) and spent a little too much time researching fabric dyeing techniques. Ahem. But! I think I have my idea all figured out, and I bought the dye for her woven wrap. I also got a little hooked on another dye idea that's a bit more complicated, so I'm gonna try that on another piece of fabric, so I bought dye for that, too. Sooo excited.
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Shopping For: E is getting close to being too big for his current bed (which is this one. It fits perfectly in our bedroom and has been just so so perfect for the past five months <sob>). Pretty soon, we'll be transitioning over to a normal sized pack n play, so I need to get some pack n play sheets for it. And that makes me so sad because I don't wanna stop using our cute little one!!
I went to the Guiding Star Orange City's Mommy and Me garage sale, and picked up a couple bibs, because yes, we needed them.
I couldn't find the exact same ones on Amazon, but these ones are pretty close-- I LOVE that they have snaps instead of velcro-- the velcro gets caught on everything in the wash and is just a plain old pain to wash. But snaps! Yay!
Smitten With: That bottom lip. Oh my goodness.

Reading: Too many fabric dyeing tutorials and blogs. Like this one-- look how pretty!!!
Writing: Aaaaabsolutely nothing. Boo.
Cooking: This week's great recipe-- Spaghetti Squash Casserole. I didn't dig back far enough into the freezer to find the ground turkey that was hiding (whoops). We like this recipe meatier, too, so I actually used a pound of ground beef and a pound of sausage. Yummy.
Proud: A little fella has been doing awesome at sitting up on his own- last week he was still pretty tippy, but this week he's much more stable and only tips over when he is reaching too far to the side for a toy.

Praying: for balance and time management. I've been getting behind on housework, and then getting mad at my husband for "never helping..." ... when really I'm just mad at myself. The trouble is, I'd much rather mess around on Facebook or watch Netflix than sweep or do dishes...
Currently: Surprised that it's Saturday, already! Where did the week go?
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