"Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest."- John 4:35*
(*Before moving to Iowa, I never really understood what "white fields" really meant. I'm pretty sure that Jesus wasn't alluding to corn... but it is true that even corn turns almost white when harvest time comes around. And Iowa... we have a lot of corn. )
I love Jesus's words here in John.
Lift up your eyes!
How often am I so focused on the things right in front of me- on the dishes to be washed, invoices to be sent, e-mails to be answered, laundry to be folded- that I forget to look? To lift up my eyes?
Because here, in this moment, in this season, in this place, the fields are white around me.
Hearts are ready. Ears are open.
But if I don't see them, if I don't look up and take the opportunity to have the conversation, to give the hug, to sit and listen, I will miss it.
Today, right now, take a moment to stop.
Yes, there's plenty to be done and lots of tasks to check off your To-Do List. So many practical, real-life, important needs to be met.
But don't get so caught up that you forget to look up. To see what (and who) God has for you in this moment.
Maybe it's a kiss on your child's cheek. Maybe dropping a note to a friend.
Maybe it's rearranging your own perspective and finding the joy. Counting that blessing.
Smiling at the grocery store clerk. Taking an extra five minutes on that phone call to really listen when they answer the question, "How are you, today?"
Lift up your eyes, because harvest is right now.
What an encouragement. I have been having a hard few weeks and I will carry this around with me!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I could encourage you today!
DeleteMost definitely. Many of us spend too much time waiting for "that" moment, but it is, and always will be, right now.
ReplyDeleteSo true. The miracle is in the every day!
DeleteWhat a great reminder of taking in the moments we are giving and living in the grace of that moment! Thanks for this encouragement. Even now, while I'm sitting outside, I pause to watch and play with my little guy in his sandbox! It's these moments which go by so quickly. (Stopping by from Mom2Mom)
ReplyDeleteAnd even though they go by so quickly, those are the moments that life is truly made of. =)
DeleteAbsolutely beautiful and soo true! Thank you for the wonderful message!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm glad I could encourage you today!
DeleteYes, I agree - it is harvest time, and God is on the move as we work with Him to save the lost. Awesome post.
ReplyDeleteHe is most certainly on the move! Hallelujah!
DeleteNeeded this reminder! I so love your writing! When is your book coming out ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I could encourage you today! Although, yeah, I need this reminder myself!
Delete(And you sound just like my husband. "So... devotional book? When you doing that?" ;) )
Thank you for the great reminder to look up!!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and smiles,
Thank you for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!
ReplyDeleteJust remember the thing he has in mind here is a harvest of lost people! He wants us to see others that way. Not as rich or poor, black, white or asian, but as our brothers or our potential brothers!
ReplyDeleteAmen! May God give us all His eyes- to see people the way He does!